Paul H. Jung

Assistant Professor

Asia Pacific School of Logistics, INHA University

Paul H. Jung, Ph.D.


I am an Assistant Professor of Transport Geography at the Asia Pacific School of Logistics, Inha University, Incheon, South Korea.

My research area is Transport Geography and GIScience. My work primarily explores transportation systems, global supply chain, international trade logistics, and urban regional issues. My research works have been published in renowned academic journals such as the Journal of Transport Geography, Geographical Analysis, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, Professional Geographers, Papers in Regional Science and International Regional Science Review.

As an active member of the international academic community, I frequently attend conferences on geography and regional science, including AAG, IAME  and NARSC. I have been serving as an academic board member (2022-2023) and Vice Chair (2023-2025) of the AAG Transportation Geography Specialty Group.

One of my core passions is working with public sectors to build real-world solutions that benefit local communities and society as a whole. I actively work with international organizations, local and national governments and public agencies on global supply chain resilience, trade facilitation strategies, transportation, regional economic development issues and GIS applications. I am an advisory panel member of the Urban Transportation Policy Working Committee at the Republic of Korea Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, and actively collaborate with public and international organizations such as the Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements, Korea Transport Institute, Korea Maritime Institute, Incheon City, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea National Railway and Asian Development Bank.

See my CV.

Updates and Upcoming Activities (2025-)

Research Interests


2021 Ph.D. in Geography & Urban Regional Analysis, University of North Carolina at Charlotte

2015 M.C.P. in Urban and Regional Planning, Seoul National University, South Korea

2013 B.S. in Urban Planning and Engineering, Yonsei University, South Korea

Honors and Awards

2022 Transportation Geography Outstanding Ph.D. Dissertation Award, American Association of Geographers

2021 1st Place Award for Graduate-Student-Led Paper Competition, North American Regional Science Council

2020 3rd Place John Odland Award for Spatial Analysis and Modeling Paper, American Association of Geographers

2018 1st Place Award for Graduate-Student-Led Paper Competition, North American Regional Science Council

2018 1st Place Award for Honors Paper Competition for GIScience Papers, American Association of Geographers


Office: +82-(0)32-860-8223
Mailing Address: #9-606, 100 Inha-ro, Michuhol-ku, Incheon, KOREA 22212